Building Bridges Across Continents

PQE Group was founded on the inherent value of diversity and to pursue innovation through global expansion. Each year that passes, our organization continues to realize further the dream of growing into an international Life Sciences leader.

I am thrilled to travel to the places where we have established partnerships and global offices – some for the first time since the pandemic – and immerse myself in the local culture while meeting with colleagues and collaborators. 

My recent trip to Bangalore for the PDA India Chapter Annual Meeting, where I spoke as a panelist, was a great opportunity to share important insights and information regarding the crucial role consultants play in the pharmaceutical industry.

I also met with our team in Chandigarh, at one of our two offices in India, and explained the company’s vision, and others shared their experiences working with PQE Group and beyond. It was an incredible day of sharing knowledge and allowing fresh ideas to circulate and change how we function throughout the Life Sciences industry. With PQE Group’s 34 offices worldwide and 2,000 employees across 45 nationalities, we position ourselves to have well-rounded inclusive visions that benefit multicultural communities. 

Creating trust between worldwide teams and building bridges across continents and differences is the key to sustainable success. When PQE Group enters a new market, it allows us to better serve people around the world and honor our promise to offer the best solutions possible. Diversity adds an unparalleled element to this that generates momentum toward innovation by taking into account various perspectives, experiences, and ways of life. We also train our teams to recognize personal biases and work through issues to foster a welcoming work environment that listens to and respects everyone’s ideas.

PQE Group is developing a dynamic company culture that is a testament to the commitment, hard work, and talent of our team members in each of our regional offices. Each new place we venture into gives us unique understandings that facilitate a healthy workflow and organizational structure, enabling us to form an optimal team. Most importantly, we count on each other as we grow stronger together.


I am optimistic about the incredible initiatives our global PQE Group team will create to improve our sector and world as we continue to expand internationally with new offices and connections.

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