The Importance of Education and Giving Back

At PQE Group, we believe strongly in giving back to the global community and fostering positive change. Promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) is at the core of our company motivators, with each of our team members embodying a generous spirit of service that helps us work toward and achieve our ambitions goals. Promoting sustainable development, advocating for gender equality, and supporting environmental protection are just a few of the many transformative initiatives that I hold very dear.

Giving Back

The Moonlight School in Nepal is one organization that we have previously partnered with. Its goal is to educate young girls in a region of the world where female education is extremely rare. Female empowerment has always been a topic near and dear to my heart. As a result, CSR programs that benefit women and girls have always piqued my interest. With the Moonlight School, it was evident that my own enthusiasm for the initiative had effectively passed down to our team, resulting in a tremendous influence and impact made on the lives of community members. Because so many people devoted their time and attention to the project, it was a huge success.

Investing in Education

Wherever our PQE offices are located around the world, we make sure to do what we can to be involved in and give back to local communities. I recently had the opportunity to meet with the PQE Group Brazil team and discuss our mission to invest in youth education. We are proud to be associated with a project organized by the Global Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (GLIP USP) situated at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, where we will sponsor the education of five talented students who will also have the exciting possibility to work for PQE after their graduation.

When I started PQE Group, I not only wanted to create a workplace where everyone was valued and accepted, but also one that would help extend that kind of acceptance, partnership, and teamwork into other communities around the world. It’s why we continue to take action and be the catalyst for innovative change with multiple programs and collaborations with important charity associations in Italy and around the world.

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